To opt out, find your CCA below and click the link. If you don’t see your CCA, search for “[name of your CCA] opt out” in Google and you should find what you need (also, let us know at so we can update this page!).
CleanPowerSF: CleanPowerSF started rolling out across San Francisco beginning May 2016. Unless resident opt out, they are automatically opted into the program. Opt out here.
Lancaster Choice Energy (LCE): Residents of Lancaster and Palmdale, California were automatically shifted to LCE beginning May 2015. Users were automatically enrolled unless specific action was taken to opt out. Opt out here.
Marin Clean Energy (MCE): Some residents of Marin County, Napa County, Benicia, El Cerrito, Lafayette, Richmond, San Pablo and Walnut Creek are being automatically shifted to MCE beginning May 2016. Users are automatically enrolled unless specific action is taken to opt out. Opt out here.
Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE): Residents of San Mateo county began shifting to Peninsula Clean Energy beginning October 1, 2016. Users can opt out if specific action is taken. Opt out here.
Sonoma Clean Power (SCP): Sonoma Clean Power is the dominant supplier of electricity in the Sonoma region, serving 90% of residential and commercial customers. One of the early CCAs, Sonoma Clean Power began offering electricity in early 2016. Opt out here.
Your OhmConnect account will update within about a week after you receive confirmation from your CCA that you successfully opted out. If you are experiencing delays longer than this, reach out to us at
What’s a CCA?
Community Choice Aggregations (CCAs) are local organizations that purchase energy from a variety of sources on behalf of local residents. Electricity delivery, management, maintenance, and billing are still performed by your familiar utility, such as PG&E, SCE, or SDG&E. In energy industry lingo, the function of the CCA is to be the “Load Serving Entity.”
Consumers are usually enrolled in CCAs automatically. You must take action to opt out if you do not wish to participate.
OhmConnect is currently able to integrate with some, but not all, CCAs.
If your OhmConnect account is prompting you to disenroll from a conflicting Load Serving Entity, that means you are enrolled in a CCA that does not currently work with OhmConnect. You must opt out of your CCA if you would like to reach Silver status and get paid to save energy.
We also encourage you to contact your CCA and indicate that you'd like OhmConnect to serve as your Demand Response provider. This will improve the chances that you will be able to participate in both OhmConnect and your CCA in the future.