What is this and how does it work? OhmConnect is a service designed to offset the effects of dirty power plants by alerting you when you should save energy.
Who is eligible? Anyone across the United States can use OhmConnect to save energy during #OmHours and earn rewards. Users in California who have energy provided by PG&E, SDG&E, SCE and aren't part of a conflicting program; as well as users in Toronto, Canada who are served by Toronto Hydro Electric System; and some users in Texas who are part of Smart Meter Texas, may be eligible to earn monetary compensation. All users can earn prizes for participating!
What does OhmConnect ask for my utility information? During the signup process, we ask for your zip code and your utility information to determine your eligibility to earn prizes or payments. Your zip code helps us identify your likeliest utility provider. If you have electricity provided by one of the companies listed above, we'll ask you to connect so we can receive a feed of your meter data.
What if I am outside California, Toronto or Texas? Anyone in the US can use OhmConnect to save energy and offset the effects of dirty power plants. If you are outside the areas listed above, simply report how you're saving energy and you can earn prizes--up to and including a three-year lease for a Tesla Model S!
How does OhmConnect measure my energy consumption? OhmConnect is only able to measure your energy consumption for some users. For these users (CA users served by PG&E, SDG&E, SCE; Toronto Hydro users; and some Texas Smart Meter users), we connect to your utility and receive a stream of your meter data. We use this data to measure how much you save on an hourly basis, and compare this to how much you save during our energy-savings events, called #OhmHours.
For all other users, our Bronze program asks you to self-report what you're doing to save energy energy. If you participate in our energy-saving events (#OhmHours) and let us know what you're doing to save energy, you may win prizes.
How much does it cost? Will I be penalized if I don't participate? OhmConnect is a free service. Can't participate? No problem; simply opt-out of events you can't or don't want to participate in.
Why do you need my credentials? For users that are eligible to earn money, OhmConnect needs your utility credentials so we can use your smart meter information to measure your energy savings.
What is this form I'm asked to sign? Eligible users in California who have energy provided by PG&E or SDG&E are asked to sign a document called the CISR, which authorizes OhmConnect to access your meter data and operate as your Demand Response Provider. This document is submitted to your utility company to verify your account status. Your name and information is then submitted to the California ISO to authorize OhmConnect to use your energy reductions in the grid. You can learn more about Demand Response (energy reduction) here.
Do you have a referral program? Yes. OhmConnect pays $20 per referred user, determined based when the user achieves Silver status. Read the details about referral benefits here.
How do Status Levels work? Users in Carbon and Bronze status levels can earn tokens by pledging their participation in #OhmHours. Tokens are redeemable for changes to win prizes. To get paid for #OhmHours, you must be in the 'Silver' status level. You can achieve this by connecting your utility account and have your utility approve your enrollment. Status level benefits (including earn up to 4x #OhmHour payment multiplier) and requirements, can be found here.
When do #OhmHours normally occur? About once or twice per week for an hour. #OhmHours normally occur during the morning and evenings, but you can choose to receive them at any time.
This service seems too good to be true. OhmConnect is the first company to bring this type of service to residences in California, so it's not unusual to be unfamiliar with this concept. You can reference our press and partner page to see which organizations supports our efforts.
How do #OhmHours help the environment? Without #OhmHours, the energy grid needs to turn on the dirtiest and most environmentally damaging power plants to prevent a brownout. When you participate in #OhmHours, you help prevent those power plants from turning on.
Do I need to buy hardware to participate? No. Most OhmConnect users choose to receive #OhmHours via text message or email. Some users with wifi thermostats or electric cars have connected their devices to OhmConnect to automate their participation, but that is not required. If you're interested in purchasing a smart device, you can visit our Store to see available products.
Learn more about troubleshooting here or general questions here.